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CW operating and technical techniques

This forum area is to discuss CW operating, techniques and technology. Post about no-code vs code, or those resurrecting discussions about rules the FCC changed long ago will be removed without comment by the moderator. In this area, as in all forum are

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open A couple questions 0008006140H80 Sep 14th 2012, 19:53 6 9,579 on 25/3/13
by K4UG
Open A Quick Way To Determine Your CW Speed K5GP Feb 22nd 2014, 13:30 1 6,936 on 22/2/14
by K5GP
Open a substitute for Ebonite (for Marconi PS213A) ? WB5AGF Jun 29th 2016, 02:44 3 6,778 on 1/7/16
Open Accu-Keyer and Accu-Memory Boards or Artwork WA2FTV Nov 26th 2017, 18:07 5 11,725 on 9/12/18
by AndyNealG
Open ANSWERING A CQ IN CW N3JNX May 22nd 2016, 17:42 5 6,992 on 25/5/16
by N3JNX
Open Antique keyers -- value? W0SJF Jun 17th 2016, 19:07 3 6,731 on 1/7/16
Open Automatic Keyer Sep 20th 2023, 15:50 1 1,169 on 20/9/23
Open best way to learn Morse Code - update KI6HQL Apr 5th 2015, 18:15 4 12,494 on 5/2/17
by KH2SR
Open Burning out after 20 min of studying code W0SJF Oct 3rd 2016, 20:46 4 8,815 on 17/1/17
Open certifying CW receiving competency VK4KF Oct 2nd 2012, 11:24 3 7,375 on 2/10/12
by K2LAZ
Open Cheap paddle cover 2000383684H80 Jul 16th 2015, 19:03 2 7,132 on 4/7/16
Open Code practice N5LWL Sep 25th 2018, 23:56 6 9,540 on 25/10/23
by N8TGQ
Open copy with one hand & send with the other tuulen Sep 13th 2014, 18:49 3 7,604 on 11/7/15
Open Correcting CW TX Errors K6PAA May 14th 2019, 10:55 4 8,066 on 23/8/20
by Free2Bee
Open CQ C TTET KO5Q Jan 4th 2015, 17:50 2 6,767 on 11/7/15
Open CQ SKS Call WA0DOM Aug 23rd 2017, 08:03 2 11,006 on 24/8/17
by AI4BJ
Open CW Decoder/transmitter KK4UXO May 3rd 2020, 18:40 1 6,407 on 3/5/20
Open cw filters WD9DMM Sep 12th 2013, 18:54 1 6,969 on 12/9/13
Open cw filters WD9DMM Sep 12th 2013, 19:01 3 7,600 on 5/1/15
by W1VT
Open CW for stroke victim ? AB3FN Jun 17th 2017, 13:45 3 10,311 on 5/11/21
by W1VT
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