Hamfest and Convention Database
Hamfests and Conventions
A hamfest is a meeting of people interested in Amateur Radio. Hamfests offer exhibits, forums, and fleamarkets for Amateur Radio operators or "hams." Locate an upcoming hamfest using the Hamfest and Convention Database above. Check out the ARRL hamfest resources below and make sure to visit the ARRL Facebook page for the latest hamfest photos!
Upcoming ARRL Division Conventions and other major conventions
May 16 - 18 | Dayton Hamvention® Xenia, Ohio
May 30 - June 1 | SEA-PAC, ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, Seaside, Oregon
July 13 | Sussex NJ Hamfest, ARRL Hudson Division Convention, Augusta, New Jersey
August 21 - 24 | Northeast HamXposition, ARRL New England Division Convention, Marlborough, Massachusetts
September 20 - 21 | Midwest Superfest, ARRL Central Division Convention, Chillicothe, Illinois
October 10 - 11 | SPARK-CON, ARRL Midwest Division Convention, Sedalia, Missouri
October 10 - 12 | Pacificon, ARRL Pacific Division Convention, San Ramon, California
October 23 - 26 | HamCon Colorado 2025, ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Grand Junction, Colorado
Follow ARRL in upcoming exhibitions. Find out where we'll be next! Go Now
Division Convention Grants
Learn more about the Division Convention Grant Program, adminstered by the ARRL Foundation. Go Now
Rules and Regulations
The official Hamfest and Conventions Rules and Regulations. Go Now
Hamfest Materials
Check out the pages of Hamfest materials and handouts at the ARRL store! Go Now
Get Sanctioned with ARRL
Check out the benefits of and how you can sanction your hamfest by ARRL. Go Now
Hamfest Planner
You have decided to sponsor a hamfest! Find out what to do next. Go Now