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CW and QRP on 80 meters Jul 2nd 2017, 15:11 3 12,352 on 13/7/17
How exactly does a CW rig work? Jan 17th 2017, 17:23 3 10,970 on 2/7/17
Swapping out xtal - power on or off? Jan 5th 2017, 18:00 5 10,678 on 2/7/17

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How exactly does a CW rig work? KE0KCG on 2/7/17
@AA6E thanks for the info! I guess that's what the BFO option is on my Drake 2B!
Swapping out xtal - power on or off? KE0KCG on 2/7/17
@N1CZ That's why I asked here. But you'll notice nobody replied for two weeks. If you feel the need to chastise someone then get on it in a couple days and don't wait two weeks! Thanks!
CW and QRP on 80 meters KE0KCG on 2/7/17

I'm thinking about getting a Cricket 80 meter transceiver kit and wondering if 80 meters is a good choice? With whom would I be attempting contacts with such a rig?

Swapping out xtal - power on or off? KE0KCG on 18/1/17
In the end, I switched to an unused band thinking that probably removed any xtals from any circuit then swapped them around.
Burning out after 20 min of studying code W0SJF on 17/1/17
Generally speaking, multiple short sessions are better than single long sessions for learning anything. In addition short daily sessions are also better than a weekly long session. One reason for this is that you rely less on short term memory with shorter sessions.

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