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Club Call Signs

FCC Rules

  • Club Station License Rules Overview

    Below are some of the FCC Rules pertaining to club station licenses. The complete list of FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Services Rules and Regulations may be viewed here on the ARRL Web.

    The FCC charges an application fee for certain filings including new licenses, vanity call sign requests, and license renewals. The FCC fee must be paid directly to the FCC not to the organization processing the application form.  View the application fee filing guide and instructions on the FCC Application Fee webpage.

    => According to the FCC rules, to be granted a club station license, a club should have a document of organization (minutes, bylaws, charter, etc.), a list of current officers (management), a list of members (at least four persons), and a license trustee designated by an officer of the club. An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. 
    The club station can have multiple call signs assigned to it under one trustee but only one of the assigned call signs can be a vanity. A Club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.

    As long as the all the club station licenses display the same club name and use the same FRN (FCC Registration Number) and same trustee, the FCC views them as one club station with multiple call signs.
    Additional information:  Never associate a personal FRN to a club station license. An individual’s social security number and personal information are attached to their FRN. The club must apply for its own FRN number as a separate entity. <=

  • FCC Part 97 Rules For Club Station Licenses

    These are a few of the FCC rules pertaining to club station licenses as listed in the Code of Federal Regulations. The complete list of FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Services Rules and Regulations may be viewed here on the ARRL Web.

    FCC rule 97.5(b)(2)  A club station license.
    A club station license is granted only to the person who is the license trustee designated by an officer of the club. The trustee must be a person who holds an operator/primary station license grant. The club must be composed of at least four persons and must have a name, a document of organization, management, and a primary purpose devoted to amateur service activities consistent with this part. 

    FCC rule 97.17  Application for new license grant.
    97.17(a)  Any qualified person is eligible to apply for a new operator/primary station, club station or military recreation station license grant.
    97.17(b)(2)  Each application for a new amateur service license grant must be filed with the FCC as follows:  For a new club or military recreation station license grant, each applicant must present all information required by the rules to an amateur radio organization having tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 that provides voluntary, uncompensated and unreimbursed services in providing club and military recreation station call signs (“Club Station Call Sign Administrator”) who must submit the information to the FCC in an electronic batch file. The Club Station Call Sign Administrator may collect the information required by these rules in any manner of their choosing, including creating their own forms. The Club Station Call Sign Administrator must retain the applicants information for at least 15 months and make it available to the FCC upon request. The FCC will issue public announcements listing the qualified organizations that have completed a pilot autogrant batch filing project and are authorized to serve as a Club Station Call Sign Administrator.
    97.17(c)  No person shall obtain or attempt to obtain, or assist another person to obtain or attempt to obtain, an amateur service license grant by fraudulent means.
    97.17(d)  One unique call sign will be shown on the license grant of each new primary, club and military recreation station. The call sign will be selected by the sequential call sign system. Effective February 14, 2011, no club station license grants will be issued to a licensee who is shown as the license trustee on an existing club station license grant.

    FCC rule 97.19(a)  Application for a vanity call sign.
    person named in an operator/primary station license grant or in a club station license grant is eligible to make application for modification of the license grant, or the renewal thereof, to show a call sign selected by the vanity call sign system. Effective February 14, 2011, the person named in a club station license grant that shows on the license a call sign that was selected by a trustee is not eligible for an additional vanity call sign. (The person named in a club station license grant that shows on the license a call sign that was selected by a trustee is eligible for a vanity call sign for his or her operator/primary station license grant on the same basis as any other person who holds an operator/primary station license grant.) Military recreation stations are not eligible for a vanity call sign.

  • FCC Docket -- Club License Rule Changes

    FCC Rulemaking Wt Docket No. 09-209 effective February 14, 2011.
    An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. A trustee may continue to serve the clubs that they are currently trustee of but may not be designated the trustee of any additional clubs after February 13, 2011.

    A Club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.
    There is normally a two year wait period after the cancellation of a call sign before it is available to be applied for as a vanity call sign. However, there are exceptions to this two year wait period. Please refer to the "FCC Rules" section of the Vanity Call Sign web page for additional information.

  • FCC Contact Information

    FCC Licensing Support Center at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET)

    FCC's Wireless Licensing Help Center website 

Club Station License

  • Application Filing Procedures

    To apply for a new license, or to update or renew the license, an Amateur Radio Club or Military Recreation Station must file a 605-C Club application form with a Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA).  Vanity call sign requests are filed directly with the FCC.

  • New Club Station or Military Recreation Station License

    To conduct business with the FCC, an amateur radio club or a military recreation station must have an FRN (FCC registration number). This number will be used to uniquely identify the club or military recreation station in all transactions with the FCC.

    The club must create an FCC CORES Username account (FCC CORES Registration or Login) with a unique username (a valid email address) and password.  The username email address associated with the club cannot be the same email address used for a personal account.  It must be a unique email address that is not already registered in the system.  You can view these instructions on the FCC Registration Help page (

    After creating the account, when logged in, r
    egister for and receive a unique FRN for your club (do not use a personal FRN)
    before filing a 605-C Form.  This will ensure the new license is processed quickly and easily through the CSCSA (Club Station Call Sign Administrator) and the FCC's ULS (Universal Licensing System).  To apply for a new license, the new FRN must be entered in the appropriate box on the 605-C Form.

    View the FCC web page New Users Guide to the ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process or the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a variety of situations.

    In the CORES Registration system, the club/military rec station will apply as a "Business" (Registration Type), "Private Sector" (Business Type) and "Amateur Club" (Business subtype).  If the club/military recreation station does not have a taxpayer ID, then for the statement:  "If your business does not have an Employer Identification Number, select a reason:" select - "Amateur Club". Complete the remainder of the registration form and hit submit. Remember to make note of the FRN and password information. The club/military rec station will use that new automatically generated FRN for all their FCC transactions, including applying for the new license and all subsequent filings.

    Additional information:  Never associate a personal FRN (FCC Registration Number) to a club/military rec station license. An individual’s social security number and personal information are attached to their FRN. The station must apply for its own FRN number as a separate entity.

    For questions or assistance with the club password to login, call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

  • Step by Step Filing Instructions: New, Modify, or Renew

    1.  Obtain ARRL VEC Form 605-C from the ARRL's FCC Amateur Radio Forms page.  The club license trustee must complete the form. The trustee and another responsible club official must sign the form in the appropriate places.  

    2.  Use ARRL VEC Form 605-C to apply for a new license or modify or renew an existing CLUB STATION LICENSE. Use this form to apply for a new license or modify or renew an existing MILITARY RECREATION STATION LICENSE. Military recreation stations are not eligible for a vanity call sign. 
    PLEASE NOTE:  An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. A trustee may continue to serve the clubs that they are currently trustee of but may not be designated the trustee of any additional clubs after February 13, 2011. A club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign. Vanity call sign requests must be filed directly with the FCC. Visit the FCC website for more information about vanity call signs.

    3.  Enter information into the interactive form or print clearly in ink. The application must be signed by two different individuals.

    4.  Complete all applicable fields on this form - the FRN and email address are mandatory.  The telephone number is optional, but supplying this information is recommended.

    5.  For modifications and renewals, if available, attach a copy of the current station license. 

    6.  Section 1 -- Application Purpose: Check all boxes that apply.
    If you are submitting an application for a change of trustee or a change to the club name, supporting documentation or information reflecting that change must be sent with the form. The supporting documentation, such as club minutes or an officer meeting, must show the change and be signed by club officers.

    7.  Section 2 -- Applicant (Trustee) Information: Fill in the proposed or new trustee's name and call sign information; include telephone and email information.  If you are submitting an application for a change of trustee or a change to the club name, supporting documentation or information reflecting that change must be sent with the form. The supporting documentation, such as club minutes or an officer meeting, must show the change and be signed by club officers.

    8.  Section 3 -- Club Information: Fill in the name of the club, club station call sign (unless the application is for a new license) and the US mailing address to which the license will be associated. The FRN and email address are mandatory.  A valid email address must be given to receive an official copy of the license from FCC. The license will not be mailed. Optional, include the club telephone information. 
         If the club is already registered in CORES (COmission REgistration System), enter the club’s FCC Registration Number (FRN) in the space provided. Do NOT enter a personal FRN number or Social Security number for the club station license. The club must be issued its own FRN as a separate entity.
         If the club has not been issued an FRN, you must register in CORES and receive an FRN for your club or military rec station before filing a 605-C Form. Follow the instruction in the “New Club Station or Military
    Recreation Station License” section on this page.

    9.  Section 4 -- Certification:  The FCC Basic Qualification Question only applies to the license applicant (trustee). This item enables the FCC to determine whether an applicant is eligible under §§ 310(d) and 308(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to hold or have ownership interest in a station license. Applicants are required to answer the question if 1) they are filing for one of the following purposes indicated: New, Amendment, Modification (Call sign change), Renewal Only, or Renewal/Modification; and 2) the answer has changed from the answer previously provided. Applicants using the form for any other purpose are not required to answer this question. When answering “YES” to the Basic Qualification Question you must follow the FCC instructions and procedures which may be viewed on the FCC Basic Qualification Question webpage.  

              Club Station Licenses
              This section must be signed by the club license trustee (applicant)
              and by another responsible club official. The trustee must hold a
              valid FCC issued amateur license of any class. The responsible club
              official must be an officer of the club. He or she MUST NOT be the
              same person as the club license trustee. Only the trustee or an
              officer of the club may mail the original completed and signed
              form to a Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA).

              Military Recreation Station Licenses
              The signature of the applicant for a military recreation station must be that
              of the official in charge of a station provided for the recreational use of
              amateur radio operators, under the military auspices of the Armed Forces
              of the United States. The applicant need not be an amateur radio operator.
              The signature of the responsible official for a military recreation license must
              be that of the official in charge of the United States Government premises
              where the military recreation station is located. The official need not be an
              amateur radio operator. The responsible official MUST NOT be the same
              as the applicant.

    10.  Return this form by mail, email, or fax to:

                ARRL VEC
                225 Main Street
                Newington, CT 06111  USA
    fax: (860)594-0339

    Please be prepared to provide copies of the organizational documents as required by FCC rules.  If you are submitting an application for a change of trustee or a change to the club name, supporting documentation or information reflecting that change must be sent with the form. The supporting documentation, such as club minutes or an officer meeting, must show the change and be signed by club officers.

    Questions?  Call ARRL VEC at:  (860)594-0300

    For questions or assistance with the club password to login call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

Vanity Call Signs

  • Vanity Program Information

    After the initial club station license has been granted, the club station license trustee may file an application for a vanity call sign via the FCC License Manager filing system.  Military recreation station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

    There are three FCC Vanity Request Types for club stations:
    1.  request-by-list (a call sign is selected by the FCC from a list of call signs
         requested by the license trustee.)
    2.  former holder (call sign previously held by the club station.)
    3.  in memoriam (under this provision, Amateur Radio clubs can request the
         call sign held by a deceased member of the club.)
    Be prepared to upload
         supporting documentation to the FCC (proof of the club membership and
    a letter of permission from the family to use the call sign) when filing the
         vanity application

    IMPORTANT -- Amendments to the application will alter the original filing date according to the FCC's information regarding revising or amending a pending application.
    Amendment (AM) – A request to revise a previously filed, currently pending application. If the amendment is major, the amended application is treated as a new application with a new filing date. If the amendment is minor, the original application receipt date is retained. See applicable Commission Rules.

    AVAILABLE CALL SIGNS INSTRUCTIONS:  Applicants applying for a specific (vanity) call sign will need to independently research the FCC license and application databases before deciding to file an application. The FCC Licensing and Support staff cannot provide assistance or guidance in determining the availability of amateur call signs.

    The FCC has 
    Amateur Call Sign Availability instructions on their Wireless Knowledge Base website. These instructions provide guidance on call sign availability, call sign assignment, searching a callsign, as well as the relevant websites that are necessary to search before beginning the process of requesting a specific call sign. FCC has supplied these instructions hoping it will help the Amateur community file their applications and minimize application dismissals due to a call sign not being available.
    Even when a call sign does not appear in the FCC database, it may not be available for assignment. 
    Other websites that offer information and help with locating available call signs: 

    FCC SUPPORT:  If you have any questions or issues with the password to login, call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET) or reset the password online using the 
    FCC's Wireless Licensing Help Center website. The FCC’s Knowledge Base website has other available resources and instructions to help the Amateur community.

  • Request By List

    The club must hold a current club station license and call sign before the club trustee may file an application for a vanity call sign under the request by list provision.  For other vanity call sign types, see the instructions in the other sections. 

    An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. The club station can have multiple call signs (sequential) assigned to it under one trustee but only one of the assigned call signs can be a vanity.  A club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.

    Applying for the call sign(s)

    The vanity call sign application process is done directly through the FCC. Applying for a vanity call sign online is very easy and should take less than 5 minutes.

    Apply online by logging into the license account in the FCC License Manager filing system. In the License Manager section click on the link that states “apply for vanity callsign”.

    The club will request the call sign(s) under the eligibility “REQUEST BY LIST”.

    This allows the club to provide a list of up to 25 call signs in the order of your preference. The first assignable call sign on your list will be assigned to your club station.
    The request by list provision call signs are limited to the operator license class the trustee holds (eg: a general class licensee, can only apply for call signs at the General class or lower levels; see below) .

    The amateur/club official must have the club’s FRN (FCC Registration Number) and the club’s CORES/License password to log in to the FCC's online Filing System

    For questions or assistance with the club password to login, call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

    Provide a list of up to 25 call signs in the order of your preference. The first assignable call sign on your list will be assigned to your station. When so requesting for your primary or club station:

    • The call sign must have been unassigned for at least two years. If, however, a license is canceled due to the death of the licensee more than two years earlier, the call sign remains unavailable for thirty days following the staff action canceling the license.
    • If you are an Amateur Extra Class operator, each call sign must be in Group A, B, C or D.
    • If you are an Advanced Class operator, each call sign must be in Group B, C or D.
    • If you are a General, Technician Plus, or Technician Class operator, each call sign must be in Group C or D.
    • If you are a Novice Class operator, each call sign must be in Group D.

    A club requesting a vanity call sign after Feb. 14, 2011 may hold only one vanity call sign grant.  A club that has been assigned more than one vanity call sign must surrender all of the vanity call signs it has been assigned before it can obtain another vanity call sign. 

    Military Recreation Station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

  • Request By Former Holder

    The club must hold a current club station license and call sign before the club trustee may file an application for a vanity call sign under the former holder provision to request the call sign that was previously held by the club. 

    The requested
    call sign must be unassigned and available in the FCC system. For other vanity call sign types, see the instructions in the other sections.

    An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. The club station can have multiple call signs (sequential) assigned to it under one trustee but only one of the assigned call signs can be a vanity.  A club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.

    Applying for the call sign

    The vanity call sign application process is done directly through the FCC. Applying for a vanity call sign online is very easy and should take less than 5 minutes.

    Apply online by logging into the license account in the FCC License Manager filing system. In the License Manager section click on the link that states “apply for vanity callsign”.

    The club will request the call sign(s) under the eligibility “REQUEST BY FORMER HOLDER”
    .  The previously held call sign must be currently
    unassigned and available in the FCC system to be  assigned to the club station.

    The amateur/club official must have the club’s FRN (FCC Registration Number) and the club’s CORES/License password to log in to the FCC's online Filing System

    For questions or assistance with the club password to login, call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

    For the club station for which you are the license trustee, you may request a call sign that was previously assigned to that station (if available). When so requesting for a club station:

    • You may request your club station's former call sign even though it has been unassigned for less than two years. The two-year requirement does not apply to an otherwise eligible club station if the call sign was previously assigned to the club station for which the requestor is the license trustee.
    • You do not have to hold a class of operator license required for the Group (A, B, C or D) for the call sign requested. A call sign request by former holder may be from any Group in the sequential system.
    • Your mailing address does not have to be in the Region designated in the sequential system for the call sign requested. A call sign requested by a former holder may be in any Region (excluding call signs for Regions 11-13).

    A club requesting a vanity call sign after Feb. 14, 2011 may hold only one vanity call sign grant.  A club that has been assigned more than one vanity call sign must surrender all of the vanity call signs it has been assigned before it can obtain another vanity call sign. 

    Military Recreation Station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

  • Request In Memoriam

    When a club member passes away, a club may wish to honor their member by applying for the silent key's (deceased ham's) call sign as a vanity call sign.  The club must hold a current club station license and call sign before applying for a vanity call sign.

    The club must hold a current club station license and call sign before the club trustee may file an application for a vanity call sign 
    under the in memoriam provision to request the call sign that was held by a deceased member of the club.  For other vanity call signs see the instructions in the other sections. 

    An amateur can only be the trustee of one valid club station. The club station can have multiple call signs (sequential) assigned to it under one trustee but only one of the assigned call signs can be a vanity.  A club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.

    First, some basic information

    The FCC will not reassign a call sign that is presently licensed to an individual or club, unless they receive a request to have the license canceled--or until two years have elapsed since the license may have expired.  A call sign can only be assigned to one person or one club and therefore must be available before it can be applied for as a vanity call sign.  Additionally, the club station can have multiple call signs (sequential) assigned to it under one trustee but only one of the assigned call signs can be a vanity.  A Club station may not hold more than one valid vanity call sign.

    To cancel a license of a silent key, the FCC requires that they receive a written request indicating that the current licensee is now deceased (include the deceased licensee's name and call sign in the letter).  Also, the FCC requires that some type of evidence of death accompany the request--something that verifies that the licensee is deceased--such as a newspaper obituary or a death certificate.  You can submit all the information via the FCC’s support web page by clicking on “Submit a Help Request”:

    Allow the FCC one to two weeks to cancel the license. You can verify that the FCC has cancelled the license by looking up the FCC license call sign data at  If the license has been canceled, the FCC will show the license STATUS as "CANCELED".  Please note that the effective date of the cancellation will be the day of the former license holder's death.

    Applying for the call sign

    After the silent key's license has been cancelled in the FCC database, you may then apply for the vanity call sign.  The vanity call sign application process is done directly through the FCC. Applying for a vanity call sign online is very easy and should take less than 5 minutes. Be prepared to upload supporting documentation to the FCC (proof of the club membership and a letter of permission from the family to use the call sign) when filing the vanity application. Otherwise, the club may have to wait for the call sign to be released back into the pool of publicly available call signs and apply under the request by list provision.

    Apply online by logging into the license account in the FCC License Manager filing system. In the License Manager section click on the link that states “apply for vanity callsign”.

    The club will request this call sign under the eligibility “CLUB STATION WITH CONSENT OF FORMER HOLDER OR CLOSE RELATIVE OF FORMER HOLDER”.

    The amateur/club official must have the club’s FRN (FCC Registration Number) and the club’s CORES/License password to log in to the FCC's online Filing System

    For questions or assistance with the club password to login, call the FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

    A club requesting a vanity call sign after Feb. 14, 2011 may hold only one vanity call sign grant.  A club that has been assigned more than one vanity call sign must surrender all of the vanity call signs it has been assigned before it can obtain another vanity call sign. 

    Military Recreation Station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

Military Recreation

  • Information

    A military recreation station license is an amateur service station license granted only to a person who is the license custodian designated by the official in charge of the United States military recreational premises where the station is located. The person need not hold an amateur operator license grant.  Military recreation station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

  • FCC Rule 97.5(b)(3)

    A military recreation station license grant.
    A military recreation station license grant may be held only by the person who is the license custodian designated by the official in charge of the United States military recreational premises where the station is situated. The person must not be a representative of a foreign government. The person need not hold an amateur operator license grant.

    Military recreation stations are not eligible for a vanity call sign per FCC Rule 97.19(a).

  • Filing Procedures

    Military recreation stations follow the same "application filing procedures" as Amateur Radio clubs. For new licenses follow the instructions in the " New Club or Military Recreation Station" section. Military recreation station licenses are not eligible to apply for vanity call signs.

Additional Information

  • Questions?

    Questions may be directed to:

    ARRL VEC, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111
    phone:  (860) 594-0300 

  • Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA)

    A club or military recreation station may apply for a station license grant by filing with a Club Station Call Sign Administrator (CSCSA), an amateur radio organization that has agreed to provide voluntary, uncompensated and unreimbursed services for processing applications. There are four FCC-approved CSCSA servicing the Amateur Radio community.

    ARRL is an FCC approved CSCSA. 

    Three other organizations have been designated by the FCC as CSCSAs. Applicants desiring to file their applications with W5YI-VEC, W4VEC, or Anchorage ARC VEC  are advised to contact these organizations directly for specifics regarding their filing practices.


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