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Antenna launchers Sep 8th 2020, 15:57 5 6,132 on 14/10/20

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Antenna launchers WB7AEA on 14/10/20
Thanks KM4JZJ. Wonder how accurate the sling shot is? I hope to lob a line over limbs of several 50 foot tall fir trees but the area open between those limbs (at about 40 feet off the ground) is small, so gotta be able to hit with an accuracy of maybe plus or minus 3 feet. And how many feet of line you send out with a typical sling shot volley?
Antenna launchers WB7AEA on 11/9/20
Thanks WB1GCM, appreciate the input. Have considered the tree climber, too. Project down the road a ways, so will keep looking for input here and make decision on best way for my situation later. Take care.
Antenna launchers WB7AEA on 8/9/20
I see ads for two types of antenna launchers: one using compressed air, the other a sling shot approach. Not sure if one type has a more accurate aim than the other and also wonder which seems easier to use. Any input? Thanks WB7AEA "Forrie"

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