After stumbling on to this thread I just had to reread the article in question. I tend to agree with WA6SAZ on the short shrift given to Linux. I had already installed Ubuntu 12.04 on the workshop/hamshack XP box and on the Compaq (Vista, ugh) laptop I'm using for this post.The learning curve is less steep than I expected. Tqsl is the old school version but thatt's a small price to pay for increased performance. Admittedly a subjective judgement, I'm not up to running benchmarks. Linux blow Vista out of the water. Anywa y Biil, thanks for raising this issue. We are both retired on a fixed income and can't zip out to buy a new computer merely because XP is dwindling away. I enjoyed the use of FUD, haven't seen that since I retired after 40 years in IT as developer and analyst. Now if we can work "smoke & mirrors" and "dog & pony show" in, my life will be complete. I believe that unless you have "bells & whistles" attatched to your whiz-bang rig, if you use your box for eMail, somee document creation and web-browsing, save your money (other than small donation to the Linux of your choice) and install Linux. It's fun and easy. |