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Joined: Sun, Feb 28th 2016, 07:04 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
First foray into HF Nov 18th 2016, 02:07 2 5,548 on 21/11/16
Forum activity Mar 5th 2016, 05:00 3 6,148 on 1/4/16
Palomar DC-30 Mar 5th 2016, 04:50 1 5,897 on 5/3/16

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First foray into HF KQ7D on 18/11/16
After receiving my ticket last February, I'm finally making my first foray into HF.

I've decided upon a Yaesu FT-450D and will pair it with a W5GI "Mystery" antenna. I've got lots of tall Ponderosas and plan to string up this G5RV-similar antenna to them. I plan to affix the feed line (center) of the antenna to a branch about 35 feet up and create an inverted V with the legs at about 30 degrees.

Question- will the tree affect (one way or another) the radio waves (tx or rx) or will I be ok?

AF7XI Doug
Starting over? K1OIK on 7/3/16

Hope this helps.
CHIRP kb1yvr on 7/3/16
CHIRP is very quirky, in my experience. Sometimes you have to close down the program, turn your computer off, and then turn it on again. I have no idea why, but when I get the error message and do the aforementioned, it always works afterward.
Forum activity KQ7D on 5/3/16
I'm a new member of the ARRL and a new ham (passed Tech, General, and Extra in February of this year). I like to learn and ask questions in the forums and this is my first foray here. Compared to some of the other ham radio forums, my first impression is that this ARRL forum isn't extremely active, as I thought it would be. Am I missing something?

Regardless, I'm proud to be a new member!
Palomar DC-30 KQ7D on 5/3/16
This is my first post on these forums- I'm a new ham and a proud new member of the ARRL! Thank you for all you do for amateur radio.

Does anyone have experience with the Palomar DC-30 power supply? An Elmer in my local club is offering to sell one to me as he has multiple power supplies and he knows I'm in the market. I'm likely to buy a Yaesu 7900 as my first base/mobile rig and I'll need a power supply too.

How is the quality and power output of the Palomar? I'm not seeing a ton of definitive info on the web (need to keep digging I suppose) so I thought I'd reach out here.

Thank you,

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