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ARRL Sections - Kansas



Contact Information

Section Name:
Ron Cowan- KBØDTI Section Manager
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Basic Information


                                                                                               Updated  July 25

Silent Keys 

WØAIB- Larry Staples, Shawnee Mission (KC)

NØXRN-Roger Dean Shafstall, Topeka


Around the Section

Reno County ARA Hamfest August 10  at HCC Fire Science Building 3211 East 4th Ave Hutchinson. This is a new location, South of the airport.   8A -1P  Talk-In 147.120 + (103.5) Contact

Wichita Area Hamfest sponsored by Valley Center ARC October 5, Riverwalk Church of Christ 225 N. Waco Wichita.


WØAIB, Larry Staples, Shawnee Mission, became a Silent Key in April. Larry was our ARRL Kansas Public Information Coordinator more than 20 years. Many know Larry from the Kansas City metro community e-mail list he began many years ago, others may remember him from the KC VHF Club he helped charter in the early 70s. He was a regular at the Beryl Breakfasts. Always a cheerleader for Amateur Radio he may best be remembered as the affable listener that encouraged us to do the best we could for our service and for ourselves.


Ensorfest this year is May 11 from 1P to 7P.
Marshall Ensor Museum and Farms open house
will feature a Corvette club, live blue grass music,
barbeque and more. Last year it was held in August.  

Kadiddlehoppers spring picnic will be Saturday May 11th 
at Childress Scout Camp near Joplin, off I-49 on V Hwy. 
This is a Bring-In, if you want to eat you need to bring it.
Kadiddlehoppers meet daily except Sunday at 12:30P 
on 7253.5, Central States Traffic Net.

K0AP-Dragan made 1500 contacts in the ARRL CW DX contest.
I'm guessing there were some spots on the sun that weekend.

Kansas Slow Speed Net is held Mondays at 7:30 on (or near) 3547 KHz. WDØESF- Mike in Medicine Lodge is our moderator.

Western Kansas 160 net is held Tuesdays at 9PM Central / 8P Mountain on 1960 KHz. Matt-KDØEZS is our host for this ragchew style gathering.


March  2024 Reports

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NET ACTIVITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kansas.Nets-------Sessions---Check-in--messages------Managers. --------------
Ks.Sideband.Net----------31-------553---22----- Open

Ks.AM.Weather.Net------31-------784----770-----WD0BWE- Don
--------WD0BWE- Don
QKS.CW.NTS. Early-----27---------78------0

QKS.CW NTS Late-------31--------32------0-----OPEN

QKS-SS Slow Speed-----4----------24-------1----WD0ESF--Mike
~~~~~~~~~~~PUBLIC SERVICE HONOR ROLL(PSHR)~~~~~~~~~                                 
Categories>>>>   1.   2.    3.    4.   5.   6.   T  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KB0DTI Ron          40   18   20  0   0     0     78

Room for more doers here:

Emergency Contacts:

SATERN Liaison: Herb-NZØF & Diana-KDØOBP, Prairie Village.  Kansas and Western MO Division.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~KANSAS ARRL NTS NETS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ks Sideband Net-------- OPEN     Dy. 6:30 PM 3920 kHz
Ks Phone Net-----------  OPEN    MWF 6:45 AM 3920 kHz
Ks Phone Net-----------  OPEN      S,S 8:00 AM 3920 kHz
Ks AM Weather Net------ WD0BWE Dy 7:00 AM 3920 kHz
Ks Weather Net--------- WD0BWE Dy. 6:00 PM 3920 kHz
Central States Tfc Net--N5ZMW      M-S 12:30 PM 7253.5
QKS CW NTS Tfc Net----- OPEN Dy 7:00 PM 3547 kHz
QKS CW NTS Tfc Net----- OPEN Dy 10:00 PM 3547 kHz
QKS-SS Slow Speed Net-- WD0ESF Mon. 7:30 PM 3547 kHz

In winter evening nets begin at 5:00 PM due to propagation

-------------------------------------------------------------                                                        Digital Rep:  OPEN

  March 2024
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KANSAS INDEPENDENT NETS~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mine Creek ARC----------3-----------18--------0------KB0DTI

Wheat State Wrls---------4-----------35--------0------KB0DTI

Reno Co ARC-------------2-----------26--------0------AC0MO

Atchison Co ARS---------4-----------48--------6------K0QPL

Pilot Knob ARC-----------4-----------66--------0------QRZ

Jarbalo ARC--------------5-----------55--------0------QRZ

Sand Hills ARC-----------4-----------32--------0-----K0EQH

Auxcom Multimode------0----------000--------0------WX0NET


Kansas Information Website, Kansas QSO Party, Club Resources , Ensor Museum and Park

Kansas Officials

  • Laurance Staples

    Public Info Coordinator

    Laurance S. Staples W0AIB

  • Ron Cowan

    Section Manager,
    Section Traffic Manager

    Ron D. Cowan KB0DTI

  • William Brinker

    Technical Coordinator

    William R. Brinker WA0CBW

  • Jack Di Palo

    Section Youth Coordinator

    Jack F. Di Palo WZ1Y

  • Kenneth Kopp

    Assistant Section Manager

    Kenneth Allen Kopp AK0A

  • Richard Johnson

    State Government Liaison

    Richard C. Johnson K0RCJ


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