Surfin’: Hammin’ North to Alaska
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor
This week, Surfin’ counts backwards and visits our 49th state ham radio-wise.
Last week, Surfin’ visited a website all about ham radio in our 50th state. Since I can remember when the last two states were added to the Union, I will give equal time to our 49th state, Alaska.
There is no one-stop-shopping website for Alaska like there is for Hawaii, but it will not require a lot of surfing to find the equivalent ham radio information for the Land of the Midnight Sun.
DXZone lists eight ham radio clubs in Alaska, the ARRL finds six affiliated clubs, and KL7DR’s Alaska Ham Radio Web Sites lists 18, but caveat emptor: The list is not current and some of the links go nowhere. On the other hand, KL7DR’s page also list the websites of “Probably the most active Hams in Alaska.”
The Anchorage Amateur Radio Club, KL7AA, website has lots of information related to ham radio operating in Alaska. Check out the website’s sidebar for pertinent links, such as ARES®, Public Service Activities, Voice Repeaters, Local Nets, Packet Radio, Alaska Amateur Radio Links and Alaska Amateur Radio Links, which lists 12 clubs.
Until next time, keep on surfin’!
Editor’s note: In 1959, Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, sent President Eisenhower a design for a 49-star flag, which the White House rejected. To contact Stan, send e-mail or add comments to the WA1LOU blog.