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  • K1LT

    01/22/2009 | LoTW Reaches New Milestone: 200 Million QSOs

    On January 16, Vic Kean Jr, K1LT, of Carroll, Ohio, uploaded four years' worth of logs -- about 25,000 QSOs -- to ARRL's Logbook of The World (LoTW). Somewhere in that batch, the LoTW counter crossed the 2 million mark. To celebrate Kean's submission of t
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  • 01/15/2009 | New Section Manager Appointed in Wyoming

    Garth Crowe Sr, N7XKT, of Gillette, will assume the position of Section Manager in Wyoming as he takes over the reins from LeeAnne Sachau, WY7DTW, of Devils Tower; Sachau, who has served as Wyoming Section Manager since August 2008, has decided to step do
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  • 12/18/2008 | New Section Manager Appointed in Arkansas

    J.M. Rowe, N5XFW, of Hot Springs, has been appointed as the new ARRL Arkansas Section Manager with a term to begin on December 22, 2008. Rowe is taking over the Section Manager reins from David Norris, K5UZ, who was elected Vice Director of the ARRL Delta
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  • 04/28/2008 | Japanese Amateurs Receive More Privileges on 75/80 Meters

    Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) announced that Japan's Table of Frequency Allocations and the Japanese Amateur Bandplan have been amended, giving amateurs in that country more privileges on certain frequency blocks in the 75/
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