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Parachute Mobile Group to Hold Jump in Conjunction with Pacificon


As it has done in past years, the Parachute Mobile group — “in the air, on the air” — has scheduled jumps for October 17 in association with Pacificon, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, in San Ramon, California.

“We do this every year, giving visiting hams a chance for a unique parachute mobile QSO,” said Mark Meltzer, AF6IM, who will be Jumper 1. This will be Mission 22.

As Jumper 1, Meltzer will be operating on 10 meters (28.425 MHz USB) and 2 meters (146.43 MHz FM simplex), hoping for a DX contact.

Jumper 2, Michael Greg, KF6WRW, will be on 146.43 MHz FM simplex as well as 5 GHz ATV, which will be streamed live.

Jumper 3, Rob Fenn, KC6TYD, will be on 146.43 MHz FM simplex.

Jumper 4, Capt Jim Wilson, RCAF, will be shooting in-flight video and photos. He is studying for his Canadian ham license and will be making radio jumps soon.

Jumpers will also carry APRS gear that will transmit GPS data, heart rate, and blood oxygen level.

The October 17 jumps over Byron, California, will take place from a Beech King Air 90 twin turboprop jumpship, with jumpers exiting at about 14,000 feet. Meltzer, who is 66, is enjoying his 47th year of skydiving. — Thanks to Mark Meltzer, AF6IM



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