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Check Out the January/February 2010 NCJ


The January/February issue of NCJ, The National Contest Journal, is filled with the latest news from the contesting world. Whether you are new to contesting or are a seasoned pro -- or somewhere in the middle -- you will find something in NCJ just for you.

Many hams have learned the fine art of operating as a single operator using two transceivers, commonly called SO2R. To build a station that supports SO2R operation takes a lot of patience and skill, so in that vein, Rick Hilding, K6VVA, tells readers "How Not to Build a Remote SO2R Contest Station -- Part 1." If you've ever had thoughts about a building a remote contest station, this article may provide some additional food for thought to guide your decision-making and planning -- whether for an SO2R or a traditional SO1R venue.

NCJ Managing Editor Rick Lindquist, WW3DE, remembers four radio amateurs who lost their lives in a plane crash this past October. On their way to the Bahamas for the 2009 CQWW SSB DX Contest, Ed Steeble, K3IXD/C6AXD; Dallas Carter, W3PP; Pete Radding, W2GJ/C6APR, and Randy Hargenrader, K4QO, perished as their plane crashed shortly after take-off.

If you're looking to put up your next -- or first! -- antenna support structure, you will definitely want to read Doug Grant's, K1DG, review of Up the Tower: The Complete Guide to Tower Construction by Steve Morris, K7LXC. Grant says that this book "reflects Steve's years of experience in the field and is a much-needed reference for contesters."

This issue also features "NCJ Profiles": Tom Menas, K3WT, introduces us to Eric Scace, K3NA, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, while Bob Nash, VE3KZ, takes us inside the Contest Club Ontario.

If you've been waiting to see how you did in the fall contests, you definitely don't want to miss this issue! Ed Muns, W0YK, give readers the rundown on the October 2009 North American RTTY Sprint. Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, looks at the results of the August 2009 NAQP SSB Contest. Jim Stevens, K4MA, gives his take on the Fall 2009 North American Phone Sprint and members of the Boring Amateur Radio Club ponder the Fall 2009 North American CW Sprint. The updated rules for the North American Sprints (CW/SSB/RTTY) and the North American QSO Party (CW/SSB/RTTY) are also in this issue.

Of course, there are all the regular columns and features you expect from NCJ: "Workshop Chronicles," by Don Daso, K4ZA; "Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques," by Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT; "VHF Contesting," by Jon Jones, N0JK; "RTTY Contesting," by Don Hill, AA5AU; "Propagation," by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA; "Contesting on a Budget," by Ralph Bellas, K9ZO, and "Contesting 101," by Kirk Pickering, K4RO.

All this and more in the January/February issue of NCJ. NCJ is published six times a year by the ARRL; it is edited by Al Dewey, K0AD. NCJ is what every contester needs in their shack -- subscribe today!



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