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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Restoration of the original Rag Chewers' Club Award NW7OR on 30/4/19
I don't know why they drop these "fun" awards; the cost is low if nothing, and it's something to encourage operation. I guess they forgot down there, that amateur radio is supposed to be fun.
Extra Class Vanity Nonavailability 0006024559H80 on 29/4/19
Same thing - I applied for W1GC, didn't get it - my application was a day early but there were multiple applicants.

Having been N1AMA from 1979 until 2015, when W1AMA came up. I wanted an "old geezer's" call and a 1x3 with a W was it.

As a youngster (pre-ham) I always passed by a garage in Hampton NH, where there was a car with W1GVC - my full initials - but - it isn't that good of a CW call.

So I'm not upset and don't need a rare 1x2 call. Most of us like what we have. Mine's short, sweet, and easy to remember. The main point that's been made is that there are more extras who want 1x2s and 2x1s than there are available. There are only so many letters in the alphabet. The FCC can't make or release any more 1x2s or 2x1s - mathematically there are only 4082 per call district.

I don't know what could be done to change the system. The only thing I COULD see is preference within a call district but even then, people do move.

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