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Nasty 17m signal Apr 26th 2015, 18:35 1 7,175 on 26/4/15

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Nasty 17m signal W0GN on 26/4/15
Sunday, 26 APR 2015, I was listening in a pile up on 18.086 mHz when a terrible, very wideband interference came on. I heard the DX signal send QRX just after it came on and I never heard him after that. The signal is still on and I wonder if it not a local signal (I've not heard it before).

The DX station was in Andora and I am in Iowa. The interference seems to peak and ebb at about a 5 second period and has what sounds like maybe 60 Hz modulation as well as a weaker, much higher frequency modulation.

Anyone know what this is?

John, WoGN

ARRL paper records to LOTW 0007102160H80 on 23/2/15

I got a CW and mixed DXCC many years ago when the band was not recorded by ARRL. All cards submitted were 40m CW. According to the DXCC desk I can have these added to LoTW with band credit by having them verified by a card checker.

There are two things I would like to know:

1. My early submissions included a few ARRL contest QSOs written on 3x5 index cards. At that time ARRL would check the DX stations log and give credit for the contact. My card checker says that is no longer done. My question is will it be done for my old original DXCC QSOs so I can get band credit?

2. Must I apply for an award to get these contacts (QSL and/or DX log) added to LoTW? The on line application list seems not to work unless applying for an award.


John, WoGN

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