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FT-8 and Icom IC-7000 Jan 28th 2024, 19:47 1 3,412 on 28/1/24
IC-7000 frequency limits Jun 1st 2022, 17:13 2 4,611 on 2/6/22

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FT-8 and Icom IC-7000 wwsisson on 28/1/24
I was trying to get into operating on FT-8 after re-reading an article in the Jul/Aug 2022 of OTA. I am quite inexperienced in operating so any help is appreciated. On the 10 meter band I can hear what sounds like FT-8 signals as described in the article ("trilling musical tones lasting about 13 seconds). My problem is that while I can hear the signals from the radio speaker, I cannot see any contacts or decode anything on my PC running WSJT-X v2.6.1 although the software does control the radio.
My modest equipment is:
Icom IC-7000 set to 28.074 MHz USB
AEcreative USB CAT CI-V CT-17 Remote Control Interface Cable
Quad band mobile antenna TC-8900
Diamond MX-62M Duplexer

If the problem is due to the location of my antenna, (on my back porch, not in a tree or on a post) I understand. I am not expecting miracles from my setup, but my thought was "If I can hear the signals why doesn't my PC show them?" It is also possible what I am hearing are not actually FT-8 signals, just sound like the description.

I have also re-synced the clock in my PC as recommended but no change.

Thanks in advance,
Walt Sisson KC1WWS

Update 2-2-2024
I figured out that I need to take my radio speaker out and connect to my PC mic in. Getting many hits now. I just need to figure out how to connect my PC to the radio to send.

Update 2-13-2024
After a lot of fruitless searching I finally found out about a product called "Digimode". I ordered one and now everything works.
I see there were nearly 180 views of this post and yet no one offered any help. If this update helps anyone I am glad, but disappointed no one in this community bothered to help me.
IC-7000 frequency limits wwsisson on 1/6/22
I am new to amateur radio and have recently purchased what I thought might be a good starter radio, an ICOM IC-7000. I found it on ebay for a reasonable price. Now here's my problem. It came from Japan. Only after setting it up and trying to get on the repeater near me, I find out about the frequency limits imposed on radios in different countries. The W1FY repeater is 147.150MHz, and my radio won't tune past 146.000MHz. There are other frequencies missing also but this will do for the purpose of my question.
So, long story short, is there any way to unlock those frequencies for use here in the US, or did I have a "learning experience"?

Thanks in advance,

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