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Joined: Wed, Jan 10th 2018, 14:42 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Returning to CW Jan 21st 2018, 14:41 5 11,226 on 19/12/18
Keyer & KD1JV Code Trainer compatibility Jan 19th 2018, 18:33 3 7,542 on 22/1/18

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Keyer & KD1JV Code Trainer compatibility KK6YK on 22/1/18
Zack, thanks very much for your reply.

Returning to CW KK6YK on 21/1/18
After starting my journey to become active again,
after a long layoff, I first want to improve my CW discipline, copy, send and operation techniques. My primary target is a QRP station operating in CW mode.

With that follows a short list of items I’m now using to get up to speed with CW. BTW, the things on the list are all unsolicited endorsements and the following items have me personally off to a good start I think.

First, I purchased the ARRL’s book “Morse Code Operating for Amateur Radio” authored by Rob Brownstein, K6RB and Jim Talens, N3JT. Tnx gents. There is solid stuff within this little tome which becomes a large tome with the information packed there in and my copy is becoming dog eared already.

Second, after some research, I purchased from the Apple Store app called Ham Morse developed by David G. Finley, N1IRZ and have chosen to use the Ludwig Koch method incorporated in it to start my practice. It is compatible with and loaded to my iPad Pro and iPhone6S, which were not purchase for this endeavor, but have been in my inventory for some time. Little did I realize at the time what an advantage they would give me in my now attempt to becoming an active Ham again. Makes my practice very portable and unobtrusive to my XYL if we’re sitting in the same room as long as I have the ear buds on. HEHE.

Third, I purchased the ARRL Morse Code Oscillator Kit to start preparing sending practice in the near future. Love the smell of melting resin in the morning....... so, need to start getting acquainted with kit assembly again because in the back of my mind there lurks the idea of building a QRP rig in the future. Looks to be many quality kits out there at reasonable cost. Would add more to the fun.

One of the reason I decided to write this up and post was that I thought maybe it would help someone else who is young or ah....... more mature and thinking about jumping in to learn or improving their Morse Code to get started

That’s where this old returnee is now and having a ball being back and going to see if he can learn to copy and send at a reasonable speed to join in with the QRP CW mode folks that seem to be having a ball too.

Questions are welcomed, suggestions and recommendations are great fully received.



P.S. I know I’ll be done when learning is no longer fun.

Keyer & KD1JV Code Trainer compatibility KK6YK on 19/1/18
Does any know if the QRPGuys KD1JV Code Trainer will accept the output from a Logikey model K1 Keyer. My Bencher is wired to play into the Logikey Keyer and I’d like to try it that way for code practice.


NEW! QRP Facebook group! WG7D on 13/1/18
Just starting to get active again after being dormant for a long time although I did keep my license current. I'm planning to make my primary effort with QRP. A lot of catching up to do in all areas after my extended layoff but looking forward to reviewing and most of all learning about QRP in depth. It will be good to have another place to get involved.

73 Pat KK6YK

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