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ZS6BKW build Dec 13th 2020, 23:05 5 4,730 on 30/12/20
FMJ antenna Jan 21st 2020, 15:48 2 5,177 on 25/1/20
440 copper loop antenna Apr 7th 2019, 21:51 3 5,913 on 21/4/19

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2 Meter Slot-Cube Antenna (QST Jan 2019) K1AWC on 28/1/24
Update** Still using this lil guy at least weekly, I did change and added it to the top of a 40 ft tower, Still getting reports of clear transmissions up to 50 plus miles away.
2 Meter Slot-Cube Antenna (QST Jan 2019) K1AWC on 15/7/22
after over 3 years of weekly use, the only thing I found needed was to clean up the contact points and added a hole to drain water out of the tubes. Not sure how it gets in there but it has a way out now. When i see the SWR go up, it is time to clean up the contact points for the cable connections.
Lets reach out to older hams in Nursing Homes N0HWJ on 3/3/21
There is a ham operator that had a 'medical Issue' and has been confined to a nursing home to recover. One of the members of our club took the initiative to set him up on a DMR radio and it made a world of difference in his recovery, not to mention the increase in his strength by keying the mic. Names withheld to protect their privacy.
ZS6BKW build jimvw57 on 30/12/20
Been working well using an auto tuner, my latest issue was a squirrel that for some reason liked to chew through the cord holding up one end. We had a discussion and my flying pliers won. no more problems with that rodent!!
ZS6BKW build jimvw57 on 14/12/20
Ok, so it occurred to me that I did not measure the length of the ladder line, and it was much longer than I thought. I cut it back to the recommended length, straightened it out and antenna is now working as it should. Measure twice, cut once... Thanks!!!

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