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ft-991 VHF antenna SWR Aug 24th 2016, 03:46 2 5,903 on 24/8/16
ft-991 VHF antenna SWR Aug 24th 2016, 03:38 1 6,191 on 24/8/16
Camping and HAM radio May 29th 2016, 03:40 2 6,986 on 20/6/16
FT-991 Mar 28th 2016, 06:18 2 6,295 on 28/3/16
Dumb Questions Mar 20th 2016, 01:31 3 6,298 on 20/3/16

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ft-991 VHF antenna SWR ke8byu on 24/8/16
sorry for double post. Censors should delete this one.
ft-991 VHF antenna SWR ke8byu on 24/8/16
I attached a dual-band whip antenna to the VHF/UHF output of my ft991. I stripped off the tip and monkeyed with it to make an exclusive 2m antenna since that is what I use...Great SWR (1:1.2). Then I see a bad SWR next time (1:2.5). Then back again. I should have known this but ground plane effect on any antenna is important. When I keyed up on my stock mic and leaned to the left, scored low SWR. Next time I settle back in my chair, it runs up to over 1:2.5. Maybe I should affix a large alligator clip to the base of my antenna and solder a wire.
ft-991 VHF antenna SWR ke8byu on 24/8/16
I attached a dual-band whip antenna to the VHF/UHF output of my ft991. I stripped off the tip and monkeyed with it to make an exclusive 2m antenna since that is what I use...Great SWR (1:1.2). Then I see a bad SWR next time (1:2.5). Then back again. I should have known this but ground plane effect on any antenna is important. When I keyed up on my stock mic and leaned to the left, scored low SWR. Next time I settle back in my chair, it runs up to over 1:2.5. Maybe I should affix a large alligator clip to the base of my antenna and solder a wire.
Camping and HAM radio ke8byu on 29/5/16
I am curious about what accommodations or tolerances state parks have generally for HAM radio operators who get a camping lot and then string up an antenna, put a transceiver on a folding table and run a generator or act in a manner unaccustomed to ordinary people. Probably a complaint would come from a soccer mom who is easily frightened or annoyed and would call for reinforcements faster than you can say Engelbert Humperdinck. We could conceal our hobby but if someone sees a wire or something they don’t understand they might call the fuzz or tell their husbands to call the fuzz who would hear our explanation and I’m guessing accommodate our effort. I don’t see any provisions or restriction about ad hoc field HAM operation by licensed HAMs in state/federal rules…Maybe it is just as well. We are resourceful and we are respectful of rules and the concern of others because we are licensed HAMs and care about our hobby and, most importantly, our neighbors. Like to see parks address this issue. Maybe it is not an issue….
Picking a Call sign Lucky56 on 12/5/16
Picking up a call sign. I thought you were concerned about hearing faint callsigns on HF or something. Boy was I disappointed. You could have helped me with that problem. You are concerned about getting a Vanity call sign. I tried that too but settled on my FCC-issued KE8BYU. I am not a graduate of that fine university, Brigham Young University, because I am Catholic and SUNY state ed trash. Use that energy and persistence to figure out why my ft991 doesn’t work with a simple USB cable using fldigi while properly entering all the settings. Receive, no transmit. Don’t want work-arounds. When you solve my problem with PSK on ft991 I will call you and let you cry about your callsign. You could be my first contact!. I might put you in my will. In the meantime invent a new antenna and explain its characteristics or solve cold fusion so us HAMs can do what we do with no tricity cost.

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