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what order do you want the log? Nov 22nd 2016, 01:25 3 9,293 on 22/11/16

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RFI from Plasma TV W1MG on 9/11/20
I was reading through comments in 2002 on regarding RFI from plasma tv's. I "inherited" a very large 50" Samsung Plasma TV, which the XYL has fallen in love with and it will stay. I applied chokes on all the cables, power, etc. with no effect. The TV RFI covers the entire HF band, making any SSB contacts almost impossible. CW gets through, with the 50 Hz filter on my Yaesu 891.

Well, apparently, the RFI has been cured in my shack. I added chokes to ALL cables, including the antenna and cables. That seems to have done the trick, and now it seems that there is no longer an RFI problem from the plasma TV. Previously, I thought that a choke on a signal cable would choke off the signal. Apparently not.

Logging contact during HF nets KI4PW on 22/11/16
Quote by KM4LLF
This may be a "dumb newbie" question, but how (or even why) would you log a contact made on an HF net? Just got my General in Dec. '15, and I've checked in a few times on HF nets on 40 m, and it's a question that I've had. Would you log it as a contact with the Net Control Station (or the relay station you worked if Net Control couldn't hear you well)? Or just enjoy the net and not bother logging it?

Tnx, 73, KM4LLF

No dumb questions - only questions!

Anyway, my personal policy is to QSL to stations that I have "talked to directly"...but stations that are on the same net as me but I didn't talk to - I don't count as a contact. So, if I want to exchange QSL cards with a station on the net, and if it's a rag chew net, I just ask a question to the station directly.

There are nets that encourage station-to-station contacts, like 3905 Century Club and so on.

what order do you want the log? 0001573633H80 on 22/11/16
Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, Contest Branch Manager, advised me on the proper format of electronic logs.

Of course it is all on one line per qso.

QSO: - qso line header
21242 - Frequency in KHz, 21000 acceptable
PH - PH for phone, CW
1997-11-15 - date zulu (GMT) with dashes
2102 - time zulu (GMT) no colon :
N5ME - my call
3 - my serial count
B - my "prec"
74 - my "check"
STX - my location
K9HIM - station that I worked
2 - his serial count
A - his "prec"
69 - his check
IL - his location

I will try it tonight.
what order do you want the log? 0001573633H80 on 22/11/16
8.5.2. Any electronic file that is not submitted in required format will not be eligible for competition and awards.

BUT IT DOES NOT SAY EXACTLY WHAT THAT FORMAT IS!!!!! These are not "complete" rules!!!!
what order do you want the log? 0001573633H80 on 22/11/16
I don't get it. In the rules, it asks that the information be given in a certain order. So I set it up so the LOG WOULD BE in that order. Then in the log submission, it is rejected because of out of order. Which way do you want it?

Here are the rules for the exchange: Pay attention to the order of the items.

4.6 Exchange Example: NU1AW would respond to W1AW’s call by sending: W1AW 123 B NU1AW 71 CT, which indicates QSO number 123, B for Single Op High Power, NU1AW, first licensed in 1971, and in the Connecticut section.)

But if I submit a log THAT MATCHES EXACTLY that order, it is rejected by the robot.

[X] QSO: 3600 PH 2016-11-20 0130 W3TTT 1 129 U N2YO 91 VA
Line ignored.
I do not recognize '129' as a valid prec.
I do not recognize 'U' as a valid check. A valid check is the last 2 digits of the year of first license for either the operator or the station.
I do not recognize 'N2YO' as a valid QTH.
I do not recognize '91' as a valid callsign.
I do not recognize 'VA' as a valid serial number.
I do not recognize '' as a valid prec.
I do not recognize '' as a valid check. A valid check is the last 2 digits of the year of first license for either the operator or the station.

Here is what the robot says:

[X] FYI: A sample QSO line for ARRL-SS-SSB looks like this:
QSO: 21242 PH 1997-11-15 2102 N5KO 3 B 74 STX K9ZO 2 A 69 IL

I wish that the LOG Submission would have the same order as the EXCHANGE!!!!
I wish that THIS ORDER for the log would be MENTIONED in the rules!!!!

This was my first Sweepstakes.

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