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2M at 50watts setting off smoke detectors Feb 23rd 2015, 18:18 3 7,295 on 25/2/15

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2M at 50watts setting off smoke detectors AK7RM on 23/2/15
I bought a Yaesu FT-8800R/E 2weeks ago. I'm using a mobile whip antenna with a mag mount for now, until i figure out what base antenna I want to use with it (needs to be mounted in the attic). I'm fine up to 20watts but as soon as I go to 50 watts and key the mic, it sets off the smoke detectors... I see where ferrite core beads can help so I ordered some (not arrived yet) but I wanted to know if getting a better coax cable for the antenna will be a better solution?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm a new ham to the tech speak needs to be brought down a bit if you can. I'm learning, just not as fast as I would like (and I have no electrical background)...

Thanks in advance for the help!


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