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MFJ Antenna Analyzer Battery Saver

Jun 6th 2012, 18:41


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Twice now I have needed my MFJ Antanna Analyzer to find that the batteries were dead, because, I accidently pushed the power button and did not notice. The fix for this is easy, I used an old blown automotive or equipment fuse of the glass body type. Heat one end with a solder iron until the glue melts enough to slip the metal cap off one end. Remove or push down any filament from the other end so only glass remains. Now plug the open end into the 12 volt external supply input on top of the unit and it breaks the circuit to the batteries. an un-used coaxial jack would also serve to accomplish this safe storage method.

After throwing away 28 dead lithium bateries, I decided to adopt a safer way to store my analyzer.

I hope this simple fix helps someone avoid the push on/off power button trap.

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