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How Long Can Instagram Reels Be? A Quick Guide

Feb 27th, 03:50

Joined: Feb 27th, 09:51
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Instagram Reels are a fantastic way to engage audiences with short-form videos. If you’re wondering how long can Instagram Reels be, the platform allows users to create videos of different lengths based on their content needs.

Maximum Length of Instagram Reels
Originally, Instagram Reels had a 15-second limit, but Instagram extended this to 30, 60, and now 90 seconds. As of the latest update, the maximum duration for an Instagram Reel is 90 seconds.

Best Instagram Reels Length for Engagement
While the maximum Instagram Reel length is 90 seconds, shorter videos (15-30 seconds) tend to perform better. This is because quick, engaging content keeps viewers watching and increases retention rates.

Can You Upload Longer Videos to Instagram?
If you need more than 90 seconds for Instagram Reels, you can post longer videos as regular Instagram videos or IGTV content. Another option is breaking long content into multiple Reels.

Understanding how long can Instagram Reels be is crucial for content creators. The current limit is 90 seconds, but shorter videos often get more engagement. Optimize your Reels with trending audio, captions, and interactive elements to maximize reach!

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