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Questions About Promoting NTS

May 9th 2022, 18:17


Joined: Oct 15th 2021, 15:02
Total Topics: 0
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I listen in to a nearby NTS net on a regular basis. I'm struck by how few messages get passed some days. I readily see the value of NTS. In a disaster Joe Six Pack is not going to know how to setup Winlink at the drop of a hat with no access to the Internet.

I feel like there is more we can do as hams to promote the service. Some thoughts that occur to me:

* Why not establish a new tradition of having regular intervals where hams send NTS messages to each other?
* If that's not enough, chess by mail[1] has a long history in this country. It seems like it should be relatively trivial to adapt that to NTS and get several games going.
* I got one friend interested in ham radio just by sending him a holiday message via NTS. So, it seems like it might be a good "recruiting tool" for some.
* Promoting NTS to hams in countries where it is not an established practice.

I am still very much the new guy here but I just wanted to share my thoughts. Does anyone else here have any ideas for promoting NTS radiograms to the wider ham community or the general public?


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