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Oct 4th 2015, 21:27


Joined: Apr 19th 2009, 19:30
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Ok with no being said about wraping rg-58 with foil. what good is the foil shield in the Lmr cables or is it just advertiser hype ?
Oct 5th 2015, 13:56


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Wrapping the outside of the cable with foil can create additional paths for current to flow on the outside of the foil. The foil shield and the braid need to be in contact with each other to achieve better shielding than using either foil or braid alone. However, a cable of foil and braid shield is not recommended for use in duplex systems such as a repeater or connections between the repeater and duplexer. A better cable would be a double braid shield such as RG214 or RG142.

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