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Yaesu Bluetooth Headset

Aug 12th 2014, 18:07


Joined: Apr 4th 2014, 14:47
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Hi all,

I am probably posting this in the wrong place so please bear with me.

I have a new BH-2A bluetooth headset, but forgot to order the charger and cradle (hi hi) anyway went to order them and not one in the Countr (UK), Great (not).

Anyway I realise that it needs a supply or 6v 1a, so I guess a standard 5v mobile charger will do the job, but my problem is that it has a connection on each side that would make the connection if I had the cradle, but I have no idea what the polarity is. Could be as simple as the +ve being on the same side as the + volume switch, but I have fallen for the obvious before.

Anyone got any ideas ?

Best 73

Aug 12th 2014, 18:11


Joined: Apr 4th 2014, 14:47
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Basically, I could really do for someone who has one with the required charger to just check the voltage and polarity with a meter if possible. Thanks in advance,

Phil M0PXS
Jul 16th 2015, 18:04


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hello Phil,

I just stumbled on your post and hope you've found an answer by now. If not, my cradle says Input and Output are both 6VDC 0.5 A while the AC adapter shows 6VDC 1.0 A. Center is positive. Hope this helps!


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