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Equipment Testing and QST Product Review

This forum is for the discussion of test methods and test equipment for amateur equipment. Discussions about equipment design that relate to testing are also allowed. Posts discussing specific models or manufacturers should not be made.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open NewBee recomendation KA0PLT Apr 9th 2018, 09:03 1 9,657 on 9/4/18
Open PC oscilloscope CaptLarry Jan 26th 2018, 08:17 1 9,594 on 26/1/18
by CaptLarry
Open Inline Lightening Arrestors KK1NGJ May 21st 2013, 18:27 5 9,581 on 9/10/13
Open discharging a capacitor WD8EKD Mar 20th 2014, 23:12 2 9,490 on 21/3/14
by W1VT
Open WHICH TO BUY KM6KJE Oct 24th 2018, 20:04 1 9,178 on 24/10/18
Open Cable loss higher than expected ON4DD Jun 17th 2018, 10:54 2 9,148 on 26/5/19
Open IC-756PROII WA7NV Apr 21st 2015, 21:00 2 9,051 on 22/4/15
Open Dielectric Constant anthonytec2 Mar 1st 2016, 04:32 2 8,966 on 1/3/16
by W1VT
Open 19" Rack-mountable equipment jazzop Dec 23rd 2018, 19:36 1 8,490 on 23/12/18
by jazzop
Open New IC-7610 or Nice Used IC-7800 N4ECM Aug 23rd 2019, 15:54 1 7,952 on 23/8/19
by N4ECM
Open Function Generators WA4PMA Jan 5th 2020, 19:16 5 7,531 on 13/1/20
Open Licensed to Analyze? KK4MIJ Jan 17th 2021, 08:14 6 7,228 on 2/5/21
by W9BRD
Open Lightning Strike Diagnostic Protocol IC-7300 syzygetic Oct 13th 2021, 20:21 2 6,926 on 15/10/21
by W1VT
Open How much better is the FT-DX10 than the FT-991A in actual usage? KD4TTC Aug 3rd 2021, 18:27 2 6,461 on 4/8/21
by W1VT
Open Clean Signal Initiative na2o May 30th 2023, 13:16 1 2,237 on 30/5/23
by na2o
Open Microphone evaluation N6RLS Dec 1st 2023, 07:13 1 1,564 on 1/12/23
by N6RLS
Open panasonic RFB65 short wave W2HP Aug 15th, 11:39 1 196 2 weeks, 3 days ago
by W2HP
Total Topics: 37 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 94 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No

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